
Just A Girl With A Journal

I am a girl just like you.

Writing has always been a way for me to express my thoughts and feelings into words to better make sense of my journey through life. This blog highlights the thoughts I believe Holy Spirit would have me share with you.

My name is Hannah Knecht, and I started journaling when I was 13 years old. Today I am an author, program director, trainer, teacher, and instructional designer. Born and raised in Virginia, I currently call Florida home and live here with my husband and two cats.

Inspired by the words of Jesus from Luke 10:42, “There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken from her.” I seek to sit at His feet, like Mary: gazing upon His Face and listening to His voice through the pages of His Word.

Space to express my heart to God.

Over the years, journaling has been my outlet to sort through my thoughts and put them down on paper. Journaling chronicles my takeaways about what I learn and resonates with me as I journey through life–the ups and downs, the hopes and dreams, the failures and victories.

It’s a dialog between the Holy Spirit and me. Sometimes I am long-winded and probably should sit in silence more often than I do to listen for that still, small voice. But God still sits with me during those times. And the fact that I have a place to share what I am thinking and how I am feeling with the Lord brings me an indescribable comfort.

What journaling offers you–

Go back months or years later and consider the seasons of life that you have forded through. Remind yourself of how God was at work in your heart and life at the time. Re-read the miracles that the Lord accomplished in your life–big and small.

Scripture actually encourages us to pour out our hearts to God (Ps. 62:8). What an inspiration to journal! If you are struggling in your prayer life, perhaps turning those prayers into written words through journaling is an answer that will better entwine your heart with His.

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