Sitting At His Feet | BSF Discussion Group Leader Bio

What is BSF?

This year, Holy Spirit prompted my heart to lead my own BSF online discussion group August 2022-May 2023. When we studied the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 last year in BSF, I felt a tug at my heart that: since I had been given the valuable treasure of knowing God’s Word, I had the privilege and responsibility to share this gift with others as a spiritual investment, multiplying its value exponentially.

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is an international, interdenominational fellowship of people that offers a system of structured bible study.  Each year, BSF groups focus on a different book or section of the Bible over 30 weekly sessions. Going chapter by chapter, verse by verse, allows members to better understand the text and gain a more thorough knowledge of, and relationship with, its Author — Almighty God.

This year (2022-2023), BSF’s study is called People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided. We will dig into the following: 1 and 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah are situated where they fit into Israel’s storyline.  The study of Isaiah is folded into a four-week segment, as well as Jeremiah and Lamentations.  

Why Sitting At His Feet?

Inspired by the words of Jesus from Luke 10:42, “There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken from her.”

Our BSF Discussion Group seeks to sit at His feet, like Mary: gazing upon His Face and listening to His voice through the pages of His Word. Eager to tear away from the hustle and bustle that distracts and preoccupies us, BSF keeps us making time in our hectic schedules to stay in the Word, disciplining us to sit at His feet daily as we listen to His voice and apply what Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts. 

We too are the recipients of what Mary had discovered by sitting at His Feet, and the treasures we find there will not be taken from us either.  Oh the joy of what we will find at His Feet together!

Online Group Leader Bio | Why am I doing this?

I was born and raised in Virginia; I am a homeschool graduate (oldest of 4 children)!  I love Jesus, singing, playing guitar, and journaling.  I met my husband my first year teaching 4th grade at a local public school where he was teaching 5th grade. We got married in 2016, and that was when I first joined BSF in-person at a local church in our area.  One of my student’s mothers invited me, and we studied the book of John.

My husband and I pursued a dream of living on board a sailboat, and in 2018 we sold everything we owned so we could actually do that.  It was quite the adventure, and that’s what led us to Melbourne, FL.  We made some invaluable memories on the boat, but we are grateful to be back on land again!  

I found another in-person BSF group here in Florida and studied People of the Promised Land (2018-2019) and Acts & Letters of the Apostles (2019-2020) with them.  When Covid hit in March, our in-person group adapted to remote sessions via Zoom, and that was how I learned about BSF’s virtual capacity.  Last year, I joined an international BSF group (with a leader in Singapore) for our Matthew study, and I was so blessed by the multicultural aspect of our rich discussions as we studied the Scriptures together.  This coming year is a huge privilege for me to duplicate the BLESSING that BSF has been for me with so many other women!

I currently work from home for Lincoln Financial Group, where I facilitate their leadership development program.  My background is in education, and I worked for 12 years as an elementary and middle school classroom teacher; and after that, I was the program director for a nonprofit organization that develops and sustains school libraries in the Caribbean.

No children as of yet, just two kitties who have brought us lots of joy!

Published by Just A Girl With A Journal

Teacher, writer, trainer, instructional designer, author, program director, prayer warrior, God person, Jesus follower

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