God works in mysterious ways for Elijah, Elisha, and Jehoshaphat

Explore 2 Kings 2-3 and the truths these chapters bring to light: (1) Chariots of Fire, (2) Elisha’s First Days on the Job, and (3) Jehoshaphat and Joram go to Battle.

The End of King Solomon’s Reign and His Son’s Kingdom Divided

Israel’s story at the end of King Solomon’s reign is quite bleak. God planned to tear the nation of Israel apart like a garment. Unlike his father David, Solomon did not repent of his sin and led his people further into it. Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, makes poor choices that lead to devastating consequences when he steps into his role as king, yet God’s plan was fulfilled in spite of it all.

The Relevance of the Old Testament

What is the relevance of the Old Testament to you? How can we adapt the metaphor in Isaiah 5:1-7 for our relationship with God today? What phrases from Isaiah 41:8-9 minister to your heart? How can you apply the warning of 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 to your own life? Reread Acts 7:51. Ask Holy Spirit to convict you of anything in your thinking or behaviors that resists the Holy Spirit and respond with repentance.

The Purpose of God’s Word in Our Lives

Psalm 19 bursts with celebration of God’s Word by highlighting its purpose. Referred to as instructions, decrees, commandments, and commands of the Lord, the psalmist is keenly aware that God’s words are living and active. They revive the soul. They make wise the simple. They bring joy to the heart. They give insight for living.

Sitting At His Feet | BSF Discussion Group Leader Bio

This year, Holy Spirit prompted my heart to lead my own BSF online discussion group August 2022-May 2023. When we studied the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 last year in BSF, I felt a tug at my heart that: since I had been given the valuable treasure of knowing God’s Word, I had the privilege and responsibility to share this gift with others as a spiritual investment, multiplying its value exponentially.

Ephesians 1:1a in sign language

Ephesians 1:1a, “This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus.”

Journey with me through Ephesians (New Living Translation) as we learn it through ASL – sign language together.

God Always Has a Plan: Herod, Joseph, and the Journey to Nazareth

Life may seem as if it is against us. Circumstances beyond our control stand like brick walls to our intended plans. Yet none of this is outside of God’s sovereignty. In today’s lesson, Joseph and Mary are faced with a life circumstance that posed a real threat: Herod’s ruthless decree to kill all the baby boys in the town they’d been staying in. Little Jesus would not survive unless they fled. Joseph trusted God’s plan and carried out each mission he was given to protect his family, fulfill God’s prophecy, and safeguard the future of our Savior.

The Magi and the Value of Seeking

These men were so confident of what the star indicated that they were willing to leave their homeland and follow it to find this king. The star guided them to Bethlehem and stopped over the house Jesus and his family were in.

Grappling with God’s Calling: Joseph

Mary and Joseph’s response to her pregnancy reveal the true colors of their hearts. Both ultimately chose to to see their calling as the privilege that it truly was. However, the impending shame and ridicule they would face would require an inner strength that only their faith and commitment to God’s plan could supply.

Grappling with God’s Calling: Mary

Mary considered herself “the Lord’s servant” after receiving the news from Gabriel. Mary’s response to Gabriel’s message grips my heart with how much she trusted God and had surrendered her will to His.

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